Storybook’s Brillig

Brillig is a sweet and gentle girl, just like her mom. Udderly Precious Mimz the Word has an amazing will to milk. She has given us quads twice.

Brillig is full sister to Storybook’s Doux Champagne, whose milk production led our barn among first fresheners in 2023, though we were not milk testing that year. We are excited to freshen Brillig in 2025.

Brillig Growing Up

Brillig’s Registration

Coming soon…

Brillig’s Dam Line

Brillig’s Dam

Udderly Precious Mimz the Word *P

In 2021, Mimzie easily earned her production star. In fact, in the MDGA national rankings for milking Mini Nubians, she ranked 7th nationally for milk weight, and 10th in butterfat weight. She was 5 years old that year.

(You can see Mimzie’s dam’s udder and sire pictures by clicking on her name above.)

Brillig’s Sire Line

Brillig’s Sire

Green Gables E Asher *B was a beautiful, sweet boy and I loved him dearly. In the fall of 2022, we lost him to meningeal worm, but he had bred four does before he died. Brillig is one of the four daughters we retained from him in 2023, and is full sister to Storybook’s Doux Champagne, whose FF udder is fantastic.

Brillig’s Paternal Granddam

Green Gables Snow Camo 3*P is a beautiful doe with a gorgeous udder. We had the pick of Green Gables’ bucklings in 2019, and we chose her son, Asher. We were never sorry! Asher improved udders in his daughters, especially helping them be more snugly attached and higher in the escutcheon.

See pictures of Cami’s udder here. She was a MDGA Top Ten doe in 2020: #8 in milk volume as a 7-year-old.