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Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers

Many people raise chickens to enjoy healthy eggs. I know that’s what got us started. And even more fun is to have a colorful egg basket—without dying!

Many first-time chicken keepers are unaware that different breeds of chickens lay different colored eggs. Without any dyeing, you can have a colorful Easter basket year round! Our grandchildren love to identify the breeds that their breakfast eggs came from by the colors.

At Storybook Farm, we work hard on mating our heritage breed cocks and hens to produce birds better than they are, following the APA Standard of Perfection (SOP). But, there’s a time to get less serious and just have fun! We happen to have heritage breeds that lay bluish eggs, dark chocolate eggs, and deep tan eggs. From these breeds, one can cross them to get a hen that will lay what are commonly called “Easter eggs” and “olive eggs.” The cross-bred hens are correspondingly called “Easter Eggers” and “Olive Eggers.” The reason that breeding these birds is “not serious” is because Easter Eggers (EEs) and Olive Eggers (OEs) are not recognized as breeds by the APA. But, it sure is fun to have those different colored eggs in your basket each week!

So, what breeds do you combine to get Easter and olive egg colors? For OEs, you need a breed that gives dark brown eggs: Marans and Welsummers are popular choices for this element. And you need a breed that lays a blue, or blue green egg: most often, and Ameraucana. For EEs, you want to start with a tan egg (many breeds lay this kind), and cross it with a blue or blue green egg. The resulting color will be more of a true green than an olive color.

It does not matter if the cock or the hen are of the two breeds you are mixing. You can put an Ameraucana cock over a Marans hen, or vice versa. The resulting hens from these interbreeding can be quite lovely. They almost always have cute muffs around their faces (from their Ameraucana genes) and their feather colors can be all over the place. And, you can develop egg colors still further by breeding successive generations of mixed breeds. The chart at the left gives you ideas of how they can develop, as does the photo below.

Here at Storybook Farm, we have Black Copper Marans (who lay dark brown eggs), Ameraucanas (who lay the blue eggs), and Light Sussex, who lay differing tan colored eggs. (See a sample of our eggs in the photo at the start of this article.)

If you are interested in purchasing either hatching eggs or chicks, we can accommodate you with a special order. Please see our Shop for details on orders of this kind.

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Ameraucanas at Storybook Farm!

All this year, I’ve been growing out my new Ameraucana breeding stock, and they have turned out so nice! I am beyond thrilled!

Splash Pullet

In case you’re unfamiliar, the Ameraucana is a relatively new breed of chicken, having only been accepted by the American Poultry Association in 1984. They have quickly gained popularity, however, and are bred in a number of color varieties. We breed blacks, blues (which are both APA approved) and also splash. This last variety is a fun change from the more run-of-the-mill color schemes among chickens (see a picture of one of our splash pullets, right). Our original stock came from the show-stopper lines of Paul and Angela Smith in Texas.

Here at Storybook Farm, we raise four breeds of Large Fowl. By far, our favorites for personality, egg color, and overall cuteness are the Ameraucanas! They are not large birds as compared to our Light Sussex and Marans, but they are quick, bright, and funny. I love their feathery muffs that half hide their faces, while their expressive eyes peek out at you and twinkle merrily. Ours are curious, but shy. I have known people to make real pets of them, however, with a little effort–and a fair number of treats!

Three Beautiful Boys: Black, Splash, Blue

Ameraucanas are layers of large, blue eggs–the color of robin’s eggs! Their feather colors are beautiful: the blacks have a deep green sheen. The blues have delicate lacing on their feathers. The splash are a funky mixture of black and white. If it’s a fun factor you’re after, you’ve come to the right place with Ameraucanas!

We managed to raise three beautiful boys this year. Our black cock, especially, is large and lovely, but the other two are great as well. Because we have one of each, we can mix and match with our four blue hens and two splash hens to get all three color combinations. In case you’ve never learned this before, the “blue” gene is actually acting to dilute black coloration in feathers are achieved by breeding differing colors together. Chicks inherit one of a pair of genes from each parent. The combinations that result give the following colors in chickens:

  • When there is no blue gene present in the pair, any black markings will be normally colored (i.e. they will appear black)
  • When there is one blue gene present in the pair, any feathers that would have been black on the bird will be diluted to blue (which can appear as anything from a slate gray to a darker, colonial blue color).
  • When there are two blue genes present in the pair, any black will be diluted to (blue splashed) white. This variety is called “splash.”

We are so looking forward to being able to offer hatching eggs and day-old chicks from these parents in the coming 2019 hatching season! First, we have to brave the cold, but we are praying that they’ll all come through just fine, and we’ll have lots of beautiful babies to share come spring! If you’d like to reserve chicks for 2019, please email us today.


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Circle of Life

It’s fall, and that’s the time when we face one of the harder parts of breeding chickens: culling. I can still remember the first time I realized that we would need to learn to butcher our roosters (and some older hens). While we often can rehome young hens, almost all roosters end up as food for our table. I know it’s a topic that many chicken lovers try to avoid or ignore, but I’d like to offer some thoughts on the rightness of seeing chickens all the way through their life cycles since the reality is that backyard chicken keepers will end up with roosters at some time in their careers.

First of all, though many of us keep chickens as pets, which means they are beloved individuals with names, they are animals: as such, they have no self consciousness. For instance, a chicken does not “say goodbye” to another chicken when they are sold away from each other. Chickens don’t fall in love, get married, or even — as do some animals — mate for life. Neither do chickens freak out at harvest time when cage mates are culled. Chickens are not humans: they do not reason as we do, or know their world as we do. Of course they have feelings, which include pain and fear. But the fear is more like startling, or a flight instinct, than a reasoned dread such as you or I would have in the face of mortal danger.

As a breeder of chickens, it gives me a great sense of purpose to raise birds that are the best that they can be. I choose high quality parent birds, and seek to feed and house them very well so that they will be as healthy (and happy) as possible. I place carefully chosen eggs in an incubator, and hover over it as the eggs set. I watch with amazement as chicks hatch — sometimes even intervening to help, though I’ve found that usually there’s a reason why a chick can’t make it out of the egg unaided. Many of our day-old chicks go off to be adored by others. But many also remain here at Storybook Farm.

I nurture my newborn chicks with electrolytes and apple cider vinegar in their water, medicated feeds that I grind in a blender to make sure they can get it into their newborn beaks. I provide warm lights, and clean, large pens. If they get pasty butts, I wash them off lovingly by hand.

As the birds who remain here grow from fledglings to adolescents, I watch them with delight. I love to see them come running at chow time. I love to hear the young cockerels learning to crow, sounding so much like adolescent boys whose voices have just changed. I laugh over the sparring matches of the young cocks, and am amazed to see the feathers change on pullets with each successive molt. Over and over, I wonder daily at the miracles of life, and growth, and beauty, and sweetness that my birds display.

Both cockerels and pullets frolic all summer at Storybook Farm on green grass, with plenty of sunlight, shade, food, clean water, and company. Unlike most large hatcheries, we do not dispatch young males. We purposefully choose breeds that are 1) heritage, 2) dual purpose (so that they are valuable for both meat and eggs), and 3) homozygous (look the same at birth) so that we sell all our chicks as “straight run” — and raise them the same as well. They all live sweet, pleasant lives while at Storybook Farm.

And then, in the fall, comes time for the hard choices of which chicks will feed us, which pullets will go into our laying flock for eggs, and which of the best birds will be bred to produce the next generation. For me, there’s a holy sense of awe when we go to harvest chickens. I’ve watched each animal its whole life, and now I’m bringing it full circle, and taking it to its final purpose. Each bird here has had a good life. Each bird has been loved and appreciated. And each bird will meet a quick, peaceful, painless, and humane end. It is hard, but it is also good, right, and proper.

All animals die. If I do not lovingly end their lives, their lives will still end eventually, and often in the claws of a predator or in disease brought on by old age. I cannot breed chickens and avoid that fact. Better I do it kindly and quickly than that they fall into hands less loving — like those of predators, or cock fighters, or as a by product of a larger chicken mill.

Deep thoughts about life and death come naturally to me because I am a Christian. I believe that God created chickens for a purpose. Actually, He created them for more than one purpose! Chickens give us so much: their eggs, their friendliness, their funny antics, their silly ways, and ultimately, their bodies. We live in a world where death comes to all. My faith teaches me that death is an evil, but a necessary evil, and sets me free to play my part in this circle of life.

So, I don’t have to ignore or avoid this phase of my responsibilities as a breeder. Bringing chickens into this world includes the duty and privilege of seeing them out of it, and I accept that, humbly and gratefully. I’m standing in the image of my Good Shepherd, Who has determined the roles that each of His people shall play, Who provides for, cares for, loves, and nurtures His children, and Who decides when He will bring them — not to an end, for we are not unconscious animals — but to be home with Him forever.

For me, then, butchering chickens is a sober, sacred business. God gave them life, and then gave them to me. As I choose which ones shall live and die, I reflect in my tiny way His awesome authority. I suppose it could make some people proud to wield such power, or help them become callous/indifferent to death. It has the opposite effect on me: I value the lives of both myself and my chickens more, seeing each day as a joyous gift. I also face death better (mine and my chickens’) by seeing it in right relationship to a bigger picture, and I am grateful.

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Farmers’ Market

For years now, we’ve had a serious egg surplus. It came from my chicken habit, and my husband (who collects the eggs) often had to say to me, “Honey, what shall we do with them all this time?”

And now that we’re breeding more chickens, our laying flock is increasing (since that’s where those hens who are not comely enough to be bred can still find a useful place at Storybook Farm).

We eat a lot of our yummy eggs. We have also sold them to friends locally, and given them away to family members. But this summer, I realized that our tiny town hosts a fledgling farmers’ market in good weather, and when I went down to check them out, they allowed as how they never had enough eggs!

The first hurdle was, as is so often the case, legalities. I consulted the WV Vendors’ Handbook. Here are the (lightly annotated) regulations I found:

  • A small producer may market up to one hundred fifty (150) dozen eggs (!) or less (that’s me!) per week of their own production.
  • The producer must register with the WVDA (West Virginia Department of Agriculture).
  • Small producers must label their cartons with:
    • The name and address of the person selling the eggs
    • The date the eggs are packed
    • The words “Ungraded Eggs” in print of at least 5/8″ high
  • Eggs shall be washed (removing their bloom, and necessitating refrigeration, whereas if we had not washed them, they would stay fresh for up to 6 months, but never mind).
  • Eggs shall be transported at forty-five degrees F, unless the time for transportation is less than three (3) hours. (Great! I only live 20 minutes from the market. 😇)
  • Eggs are to be stored and displayed at the Farmers Market in cold-holding equipment capable of holding forty one degrees F or less. The eggs must reach the forty-one degree temperature within four (4) hours of receipt at the market. (That cold-holding equipment was my cooler, and since our market lasts from 9 AM to noon, no problems here.)
  • Small producers are permitted to pack in recycled or used cartons when the distributor’s name, address, expiration date, size and grade are marked out and replaced with the labeling required for small producers.
  • Cartons shall be clean and free of odor or debris.
  • Any vendor selling eggs shall have a valid Food Establishment Permit from the local health department before the date of sale. (Our county did not actually require this. Yeah; it’s almost heaven here! 😍)

It took me a couple of weeks to get all these ducks in a row.

I had to fill in a WVDA form and show it to our county Board of Health.

Then, I had to pay for a county permit ($15/year), which my county BoH discounted since we were at the end of the season. I paid $6.

After all that, there were only a couple of weeks left in the selling season, but we got up early to wash and pack eggs. Here we are in our PJs getting it done (right)!

Eggs were washed.

Eggs were packed and labeled according to regulations and put into clean, clear cartons (so, no need to ink out the former farms’ names).

Me at our table

We set up our table, and had a blast networking with other likeminded folks.

We sold about half of the eggs we brought and had a great time! Can’t wait for next Saturday!





View of our entire market from my table


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Becoming NPIP Certified

While working along at getting set up to mail chicks for the first time in the fall of 2017 and winter of 2018, a part of that process was to become NPIP and AI certified. Maybe you are mystified, as I was, as to why this is important, and how  it is accomplished. If so, read on!

What Is NPIP? And AI Clean?

First, then, what do NPIP and AI stand for? Reputable breeders of chicks should be National Poultry Improvement Plan certified and Avian Influenza clean, and must do so to legally transport birds across state lines. Here is a brief explanation of the history and purpose of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) from their website.

The National Poultry Improvement Plan was established in the early 1930’s to provide a cooperative industry, state, and federal program through which new diagnostic technology can be effectively applied to the improvement of poultry and poultry products throughout the country. The development of the NPIP was initiated to eliminate Pullorum Disease caused by Salmonella pullorum which was rampant in poultry and could cause upwards of 80% mortality in baby poultry. The program was later extended and refined to include testing and monitoring for Salmonella typhoid, Salmonella enteritidis, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae, Mycoplasma meleagridis, and Avian Influenza. In addition, the NPIP currently includes commercial poultry, turkeys, waterfowl, exhibition poultry, backyard poultry, and game birds. The technical and management provisions of the NPIP have been developed jointly by Industry members and State and Federal officials. These criteria have established standards for the evaluation of poultry with respect to freedom from NPIP diseases.

APHIS’ mission is to safeguard the health of our nation’s agricultural resources. Our many animal health experts work closely with other federal agencies, states, foreign governments, industry and professional groups, and others to enhance international trade and cooperation while preventing the introduction of dangerous and costly pests and diseases.

Chicks and hatching eggs that carry these avian diseases can threaten not only flocks to whom they come, but humans as well. Responsible farmers who sell chicks seek to make sure that the birds they mail are healthy. So, what is the process in becoming certified NPIP and AI clean?

The program is administered through state agricultural extension offices. You can find out contact information for your official state officer by clicking here. In my state, West Virginia, inspectors come to your farm for free. (Yeah, it’s almost heaven here for sure!) In many other states, there will be a fee.

So, What’s the Process?

I started the process by sending an email query to the contact listed on the NPIP page linked above. I had to wait about five days for a response, but it was June and I assume the contact was on vacation, because when I did get an email it was very helpful and detailed. It included a phone number, so I called with a few questions. She took my contact information and told me that the inspector would call shortly to make an appointment. He did so two days later.

My inspector made an appointment with me for two weeks after his call. He came an hour late, but this was fine. He only was interested in testing adult birds (six months and older) who were breeders for the chicks we planned to mail out. (In other words, he didn’t test our laying flock.) We have our birds separated into various outbuildings on our farm. He only wanted to test the ones in our breeding coops. We had six birds for him to test by this criteria, even though we have a laying flock of 20 chickens, and over 85 birds under the age of 6 months.

I was surprised when he told us that most flocks he tests in backyards average 12 birds! He also said that it was fine for him to “test sample” because if any birds were sick, all were, and so testing a sample flock would cover all our birds.

The testing consisted of a wing prick for blood (the Salmonella typhoid test, which gives results instantaneously) , and a mouth swab for Avian Influenza (which gets sent to a lab and we get our results back in two to three weeks). The inspector also looked around our facility and rated it. He rated us an “A” for cleanliness — which he mentioned mostly included no dirt piles around the coops — I think because of rodent infestation, but that’s a guess.

He asked about whether we used automated watering or hand watering. We do the latter: I can’t bring myself to trust automated systems, in case they fail, so we water and feed morning and evenings daily, as well as shutting coop doors by hand. He gave us a “1” for not having automated watering. He did not look into our coops to see the cleanliness levels.

He left us some paperwork to fill in. It’s mostly contact information and the type of operation you are running. Two pages; very simple. We mailed it in, and are waiting for our “all clear.” Our inspector told us that it was on us to call and arrange a repeat visit yearly. It took about a month for us to receive our NPIP #253 from the WVDA.

And that was it! I was glad to clear this hoop and find that my birds are as healthy as I thought they were! I think that, for most of us, if you habitually follow best practices for your birds, you too will clear this hurtle easily, so don’t be afraid to try!


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Why Sell Chicks and Eggs?

Storybook Farm has been our home for five years, and I never would have dreamed that we’d get into the business of breeding, raising, and selling chickens. But we are doing just that!

We’re Not Selling Garden Produce

Part of the reason is that I’m definitely not the inheritor of my grandmother’s award-winning green thumb. When we got here, the first thing we did was plant an orchard, and that spring, we cleared and terraced and fenced an 1800 square foot garden. For two seasons, we worked with the soil that was there naturally; very little grew. The next two seasons, we built raised beds and used the square foot gardening method. Things came up, but then came the rabbits to eat the tender bean shoots, and the deer finished off the tomatoes just when they were getting ripe after so many days of watering and weeding. That was the last straw for me as a gardener: I’ve been happily buying other people’s veggies ever since. (I do wish that we could grow cilantro, though, in the winter, especially. I use it a lot, and our local grocery store can’t keep it in stock because many people in our small town haven’t yet discovered it and it goes bad. Sigh.)

We Want a Working Farm!

Pretty Pony!

Part of the reason for the chicken selling adventure is that we have always planned to create a working farm (in contrast to a hobby farm). We first tried raising sheep, and they were a lot of cute, but not any profit to us in any way that could be reflected on a Schedule F tax form. (Did you know that wool prices now are lower than they were 100 years ago, and that’s without adjusting for inflation?) We sold our flock, and now raise cattle instead, mostly for meat for our extended family and friends and to keep down our back 30 acres. We may sell beef someday, but it will take years to build up our herd. So, that’s still not going to satisfy Schedule F any time soon.

I ride horses, and I thought of flipping horses. Yeah. I’m not good with problem horses, so even though I bought a pony for $1200 and sold her two years later for $2400, in the process I came off her and broke a couple of ribs. When she got ornery, I quit riding her and looked to sell her. It was my bad for buying a green pony for my grandchildren when they are total beginners. I just got suckered by her pretty face and big brown eyes… which is why, I guess, she sold so well in the end.

Chickens Were My Hobby First

I never thought of selling chickens before this summer, but I have had fun raising them. Three years ago, I talked my sweet husband into buying me a coop off of Craig’s List and the seven chickens that went with it. Oh, they were so cute I thought. Finally, I said, Storybook Farm looked like a farm.

Then, a friend gave me three guinea fowl. And they were so funny and made such a unique and sassy noise that I fell for them… until one by one they disappeared. So, I decided I had to have more guineas and more chickens. We had an old outbuilding that we could renovate into a bigger coop than my Amish starter one… so, why not? Now we had a layer flock of 25 chickens, and my job began to be finding people who wanted farm-fresh eggs. Well, our little town has a Farmer’s Market on Saturdays, so that was a problem solved.

Then, I bought an incubator. And I was so terrified that it would break mid-hatch that I bought a second one just to have as a backup. My first hatching season wasn’t so great. I had 50% hatches, mostly. But the chicks were so cute! (In the picture at the right, you can see my grandson watching a hatching chick long distance via FaceTime.) It has been so much fun to watch the fascination that the children have with both hatching and the cute little chicks. They even like helping with morning and evening feeding and watering when they’re here.

With a little practice, I got better at hatching, and this year we had 80% hatches… in both of those incubators… which is how we ended up with 60 Silver Penciled Rocks to grow out. (Oops!? Well, not really a problem. We like to eat chicken, and with much encouragement and training have made our peace with butchering if we can’t sell less-than-perfect birds as pets. Yearly, we keep the best birds to improve our breeds!)

Into the Chicken Biz!

So, after reading this blog post, selling chicks and eggs kind of happened to us. What’s not to like? I get to buy a bigger incubator, and a hatcher. I get to start new breeding flocks. I get to meet new friends who love chickens as much as I do when showing my birds. I get to bless other people with cute fuzzy butts!

If we’re successful, we can cover our expenses and fill in that good old Schedule F and get a tax break. We will have a working farm, and I will have the joy of breeding and hatching to my heart’s content. And if we’re not successful, well, I like chickens and I have a generous husband who has always loved to watch me care for the myriad of animals that I’ve talked him into letting me have. So, it’s all good! 🐔